Flour price hike hits estate sector - R. K. Suresh
The up-country Tamil politicians, criticised the 'Mahinda Chindana'
and motivated the estate workers to vote for the United National party
in the last Presidential election.
But the Ceylon Workers Alliance, and the Ceylon Estate Staff
Association, which function under the direct control of the General
Secretary of the CWA and the Presidential Advisor S. Sathaasivam amidst
acts of threat and intimidation worked tirelessly for the resounding
victory of the President Mahinda Rajapaksa, said R. K. Suresh, the
General Secretary of the Ceylon Estate Staff Association. He was
addressing a meeting at Talawakelle on last Sunday.
He also said that during the Presidential Election campaign the able
and dynamic President promised that the plantation workers, who live
with abject poverty will be issued with wheat flour at a subsidised
price under the Mahinda Chandana the plantation workers who were of the
opinion that their burden will be eased are finding it very difficult to
cope with the present high cost of living. Due to the price increase of
wheat flour by Rs. 46 the workers suffer in the silence.
The only stable food for the estate workers is wheat flour. The
so-called Tamil politicians in the hill country, who criticised the
development activities of the present Government, during the
Presidential election now captured the Ministry portfolio under the
Mahinda Rajapaksa's
Cabinet and feast their nest, but not taking any keen interest to
elevate the living condition of the plantation workers, who toil under
scorching sun and torrential rain for the accumulation of valuable
foreign exchange.
Now the cost of living keeps on mounting day by day and the masses of
this country; especially the estate workers, who earn meagre daily wages
face immense difficulties to eke out their living the politicians
representing the plantation workers, who crossed over to the present
Government to feast in their nests thus betraying the estate workers.
The plantation workers are neglected and a backward lot in every
aspect and the present Government should take swift action to elevate
the living standards of the plantation workers and the staff, if not in
future it would be a difficult task to obtain the votes of the workers
and estate staff in the plantation sector", he concluded.