Re-introduce the death penalty
Re-introduction of the death penalty is a crying need in Sri Lanka.
If clemency is recommended along with the verdict or at an appeal this
may be considered appropriately. The death penalty needs to be enforced
The death penalty is accepted to be a deterrent. It drives one to
think before taking another's life. Deadly crimes planned well ahead and
efficiently executed demonstrate that life sentences are no threats to
reprehensible criminals.
Protests launched by organizations such as the Amnesty International,
based abroad, indicate unawareness of gangster killings, rapes followed
by repulsive murders contract extermination and drug trafficking that
accompany homicides, that awful crimes have grown rampant in a one time
relatively calm country.
Monstrous deeds like kidnapping the young to be sent to the middle
east and forced in to slavery and camel riding satisfy only the lust of
the unscrupulous money seekers.
The death penalty alone can stifle horrendous crimes which merit no
other condign penalty.
I am not intolerant of other views. Idealists no doubt shout down the
re-imposition of the death penalty. These like the Amnesty International
remain from the repulsive reality in current Sri Lanka.
Ordinary people who comprise the core and mass of this island use the
public transport, especially sordid private buses. They recognise how
disgraceful are the total lack of discipline and the prevalence of utter
disregard and disrespect for human life. The Amnesty International law
is insulated from the actual depressing and miserable state of law and
order in our island.
Considering ever spiralling crime and overwhelming incidence of
dastardly murders the gallows are an imperative need. They should be
used and not be in disuse.
Ninety nine percent of the people may yearn for peace and harmony and
condemn violence and premeditated heinous crime. They expect Government
to protect their children and them and their hard-earned property from
various menacing murderers and homicidal maniacs. It is indeed time the
death penalty be re-introduced. There should not be any delay. Now is
the worst of times.
His Excellency the President and the Government will receive the
gratitude of almost all particularly of the poor and honest, for this
timely and firm action to stem the horrible crime.
All will certainly give positive support in encouraging the creation
of a crimes reduced environment. In conclusion all peace loving citizens
would regard those who oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty
as those misguided who condone and encourage murders.
Lakshman Siriwardhana, Piliyandala.