Ecological sensitivity combined with die hard
frugality and a flare for style:
Ecstasy from railway sleepers
Bliss can be defined in many ways. To me, bliss
is enjoying a cup of tea seated at a table made from a discarded
drum wheel, once the property of the Ceylon Electricity Board, with
a serene miniature statue of the Buddha gazing at me from the other
end of the garden, or sitting on the lanu anda listening to the
professor as he narrates the story of his house, built with refuse
with a smile on his face.
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An Opera with Sri Lankan identity
Agni -the opera on fire by maestro Premasiri
Maestro Premasiri Khemadasa's latest opera, Agni,
will go onboard the Lionel Wendt Theatre today. Although maestro
uses the classical opera format for Agni, Agni is deeply rooted in
the traditional melodies sprung from age-old folk recitals
associated with guilds.
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