Laying it all on the table
There appear to be lot of anti-Sri Lankan
propaganda today, especially in the western and some local private
media, on the "Human Right" situation in the country in general and
specifically the situation in the North and East. It is very
opportune and a matter of relief that the Government is sensitive to
this vigorous anti Sri-Lankan propaganda, and pleased to note that
measures are being taken to educate the international community and
the media, misled by anti SL-lobby.
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Tigers through a testing process
The Tiger outfit is now going through a testing
process to get the upper hand of the situation as they are rapidly
losing the ground in the East and now in the North. First they
tested their air capabilities to panic and disturb the country on
March 26 with their failed attempt to attack Katunayaka Air Base.
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Whither personnel administration!!
Now just see how things work in our beautiful
paradise isle. When someone was having what is called a parking
problem another suggested: 'I say why don't you bring a shirt and
give the security guy? That's how we operate'. If at micro level
such star class opportunism is prevalent you could just imagine what
high degree mutual back-scratching is elsewhere. I mean in upper
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