Get creative to relieve stress
by Paul Evans
There are many things we can do to relieve stress, ranging from small
routine changes (such as avoiding rush hour traffic) to large drastic
life changes (such as quitting our stressful jobs!).
At the smaller end of the scale, I believe one of the best ways that
you can relieve stress is to 'get creative'.
What can you do to get creative? Anything you like, as long as 'you'
do the creating! It could be physical or mental creativity (preferably
both), big or small.
For example, is it about time you changed your garden around? Changed
those dull old patio slabs? Now would be a good idea to get creative. To
relieve stress you have to do something you can be proud of. You need to
be able to stand back and say to yourself, `Yep, I did that and I did a
terrific job'.
Now it's time for the hard part. . . getting started! |