Restrictions on fishing in East relaxed
By Anura Maitipe
The naval restrictions imposed on fishing boats in the Eastern seas
have been lifted and fishermen in the area can engage in fishing at any
time, the Fisheries Minister Felix Perera told the Sunday Observer.
This was decided on by President Mahinda Rajapaksa following a
discussion held between Ministers Felix Perera, Basil Rajapaksa and
Naval officials yesterday, he said.
At present there are no restrictions in the east and fishermen are
free to use any kind of boats including those with a capacity of 25 to
50 horsepower which had been restricted earlier due to security reasons,
he said.
The Government has taken steps to set up a Cooperative Wholesale
outlet at the Trincomalee Port where fishermen can sell their catch at a
reasonable price and purchase all types of fishing equipment and other
commodities from this centre, he said.
With the lifting of fishing restrictions and the commencement of the
harvesting season in the eastern seas more fish will be available in the
market. The high price of fish will also drop gradually during the
forthcoming festive season, he said. |