Sanquhar produces Red Tea, Oolong Tea
Ceylon Red Tea is produced out of the leaves of the tea plant,
Camellia Sinensis. In Sri Lanka, although excellent raw material in the
form of green tea leaves with high levels of antioxidants is available,
Red Tea was not produced before due to lack of know-how.
Ceylon Red Tea is non fermented but highly oxidised using special
technology based on the Green Tea manufacturing process with an added
unique process of intensive oxidising in a high oxygen concentrated
environment under externally applied electromagnetic energy, resulting
in inhibiting the natural red colour co-pigments, similar to the red
pigments in many plants identified as Anthocyanin.
Interest in Anthocyanin pigments has intensified because of the
health benefit as a dietary antioxidant. Over 300 structurally distinct
Anthocyanins have been identified in nature. Ceylon Red Tea has improved
and increased health properties, compared to any Green or Black Teas.
Concentrations of polyphenolic antioxidants with catechins in it, which
is probably the highest in the world among known teas is found in Red
Oolong Tea categorised under the semi-fermented tea category which
gives the brownish liquor colour and aroma is predominantly a product
from Taiwan.
Sanquhar Green Tea comes under Pussellawa Plantations and is an
associate company of “Melfort Green Teas”. Both plants have won
international awards for Green Tea in Russia and the USA.