Lights and shadows of Easter
Easter reveals contrasting experiences. They are
in fact its lights and shadows, for in the brilliance of a blazing
noon-day sun, both phenomena are equally possible. It depends on
where we stand!
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Whither the niceties of language?
When Oscar Wilde said, “We are all in the
gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars,” he was referring
to life. By extension, however, Wilde's saying applies to English as
well. Since the day English was dethroned, some schools, colleges,
universities and private institutions have been teaching it without
paying any attention to the niceties of language.
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Thorns on the Side
Positive aspects of tax revision
Around two years ago, the Government drastically
reduced import duty on a variety of vehicles and introduced a very
low duty rate on hybrid vehicles. This was widely hailed as a step
in the right direction because high import and excise duties stifled
the industry and reduced the purchasing power of prospective vehicle
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