Two years since UPFA retained power at 2010
general election:
Sri Lanka marches towards new era
The UPFA created history by winning a huge
majority, close to almost two-third in the 14th Parliament of Sri
Lanka at the general election held two years ago. Under the
proportional representation system combined with preferential voting
and a system of bonus seats for the winner at district level, the
two-third barrier was conceived to be insurmountable by its crafty
architect, former President J.R. Jayewardene.
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Channel 4 and Sri Lanka:
A case study in media interventionism
The media beat-up has become a common event. A
media beat-up involves the Western mainstream media picking on a
particular foreign country - often a small or Third World country,
but never a large member of the Western alliance - and portraying
its government in a bad light, says a report by the Centre for the
Study of Interventionism.
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A fearless bar, vital for Judiciary - CJ
The Bar Association of Sri Lanka had assisted not only the members of
the Bar but also the judges to uphold the rule of law and for the
Administration of Justice. The relationship between the Bench and the
Bar had been extremely cordial lasting for several decades, the Chief
Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake said at the induction ceremony of
Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, President's Counsel, as the President of the Bar
Association of Sri Lanka for the Year 2012/2013.
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