Sumudu and Vinu, joint winners of Derana Veet Miss Sri Lanka
By Anuradha KODAGODA
The glamorous and most outstanding Derana Veet Miss Sri Lanka for
Miss World 2012 pageant was concluded last week and the specialty at
this year's pageant was that the Miss Sri Lanka 2012 title was shared by
two contestants who were chosen as joint winners to the title. They are
Vinu Udani Siriwardhana and Sumudu Prasadini.
The official Derana Veet Miss Sri Lanka 2012 pageant was held last
Saturday at Blue Water Wadduwa.
The contestants making
their dramatic parade for the panel of judges and the
audience. |
The event was coloured with many entertaining acts by professional
entertainers namely Naadro, Natanda Dance Theatre of Sri Lanka -
Choreography by Kapila Paliyawadana and Beat Box with Corrine Almeida
provided the music.
There were fourteen mini pageants which took place during the past
three months and the winners were announced at the event. Finally the
Derana Veet Miss Sri Lanka 2012, the prestigious award of the pageant
which everyone was eagerly awaiting was announced and the title winner
was selected as Vinu Udani Siriwardhana.
Even though at the official event, the Miss Sri Lanka 2012 was
recorded as Vinu Udani Siriwardhana, last Wednesday Derana made an
announcement that there was a calculation error and they crowned Sumudu
Prasadini also as joint winner of the Miss Sri Lanka 2012 and the title
is now shared by Vinu and Sumudu.
At the ceremony held last Wednesday at Galle Face hotel to crown
Sumudu Prasadini as the Miss Sri Lanka 2012, Chairman Derana, Laksiri
Wickramage, said , "Though we crowned Vinu Udani Siriwardhana as the
Derana Veet Miss Sri Lanka 2012 last Saturday, there was a calculation
error. Since we are in an industry where there is human involvement, it
is obvious that these issues occur from time to time. However, being a
responsible TV channel, we are ready to accept that the fault lies with
us and we won't hesitate to correct the lapse, because as I believe not
only in business but also in personal lives.
The most important fact is to keep the trust between the contestants
and the management.
As soon as we realised that there was a lapse on our part and that
there was a mistake in the calculation, the very next day we held a
meeting with the panel of judges and came to the conclusion that Sumudu
Prasadini would also be crowned as a joint winner of the Derana Veet
Miss Sri Lanka competition and that she will participate in the Miss
World 2012 pageant in China this year.
However, we are not ready to let Vinu Udani down and therefore, she
too has been declared as a joint winner of the Derana Veet Miss Sri
Lanka and we will make sure that she will participate in another
international beauty pageant before the end of this year.
Derana is always willing to correct mistakes and whatever hardship
we've been through we are ready to establish that justice and honesty
will prevail in everything we do."
At the event held for the panel of judges, Noeline Honter said that
"I was shocked when the announcement was made saying that Vinu was the
title winner.
Though we voted individually I had the feeling that the title winner
must be Sumudu. After the event we talked to each other and as there was
some doubt about the winner we informed the Derana management that there
must be a mistake in the final decision.
We got together the very next day and the management also realised
that there was a mistake in the calculation.
However, being a member of the panel of judges, I'm really glad that
Derana had the courage to accept the mistake and decide that there
should be joint winners without causing any heartache to the winner who
was selected earlier, without letting down any contestant," .
Derana then once again crowned Sumudu Prasadini who was also selected
as a winner of the Miss Sri Lanka 2012 pageant. later.
"I am so happy and I just can't find words to express my feeling and
still I feel like as if I am dreaming," the Derana Veet Miss Sri Lanka
2012 joint winner, Sumudu Prasadini said.
"Last Saturday when they announced Vinu as the Derana Veet Miss Sri
Lanka 2012, I was disappointed and even sad however, I felt happy for my
friend Vinu and at the same time I was however pleased because I won a
few mini titles and I was selected as the first runner- up of the Derana
Veet Miss Sri Lanka 2012.
I never had a doubt about the judgment because I strongly believed
that there wouldn't be any mistakes.
However, after the event most of the judges came up to me and said
that something must have gone wrong because everybody had selected me as
the winner. Even at that time I had no doubts about the final decision.
However, last Wednesday I got to know that there was a calculation
error and that I would also be a joint winner.
I'm so pleased about the panel of judges and the management of Derana
TV. If they thought only about their goodwill and prestige, they would
have ignored the matter.
But they were truthful enough to admit their mistake and I'm so
grateful for their courage to accept it and correct it.
I always believe that if a person deserves something, he or she will
be the one who will receive it and I received what I deserved," she
Vinu Udani Siriwardhana who is the joint winner of Derana Veet Miss
Sri Lanka 2012 and also the winner of the Sunday Observer Most Popular
Contestant said that, "I was so thrilled to win the Derana Veet Miss Sri
Lanka 2012 title.
However, after a few days they said that there was a calculation
error and this time there would be two winners and that the other winner
was Sumudu Prasadini.
Derana TV has been handling this pageant for the past five years and
it is a very professional organisation.
I really appreciate the management and it's unbelievable to
comprehend that there was a calculation error.
However, I'm grateful to the people who voted for me and for the
support and encouragement given throughout the contest."
Being the official print media sponsor the Sunday Observer wishes the
joint winners good luck for their participation in the world contests.