Biz Briefs
LOLC records highest profits
The LOLC Group recorded a Rs.10.3b Profit Before Tax (PBT), a 24
percent year on year growth. The Profit After Tax for the year was
Rs.8.9b, a 27 percent increase over last year which was Rs.7b.
LOLC Group's performance comes amidst a challenging environment where
its core business of financial services faced interest rate volatility,
increased taxes on vehicles, lower liquidity in the market and a general
credit squeeze. Despite these challenges, financial services remained
dominant in profit contribution, with 72 percent of the profits
amounting to Rs 7.4b, coming from this sector further reducing the
dependency on other sectors in the Group.
The total net receivables of the financial services sector increased
to Rs. 80b, a solid growth in the book of advances (portfolio growth) a
38 percent growth compared with the previous year's book of Rs 58b.
Tiger Airways flights between Colombo and Singapore
Tiger Airways, Singapore's leading low-cost carrier, launched the
inaugural direct service between Colombo and Singapore.
TR2572 arrived in Colombo at 2205hrs to mark the first regional
low-cost flight between Colombo and Singapore. With Tiger Airways'
Singapore track record - with a near 100 percent flight completion in
2011, the punctuality rate of over 85 percent, a young fleet of under
three years and value offerings, the Airline expects the new service to
be well-received by travellers.
"We are focussed on building our network and connectivity in the
Egg price increase

The wholesale price of eggs has increased by Rs one, a spokesman for
the Poultry Industries' Association said
Diesel price incwreased

Lanka India Oil Corporation has increased the price of diesel by Rs
2.The new price will be Rs 117. The super diesel price is Rs 119 a
AEF in September
The Asia Entrepreneurship Forum (AEF2012) organised by Enterprise
Asia will be held from September 19-21 at Grand Hyatt, in Macau SAR,
Senior Minister of International Monetory Cooperation, Dr Sarath
Amunugama has been invited as a keynote speaker.The AEF will bring 800
award winning high profile entrepreneurs from Hong Kong, South Korea,
Vietnam, China, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, India
and Sri Lanka for a weekend of networking and learning.
A group of 14 Sri Lankan Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award (APEA)
winners will join this Elite group.
Finlays Colombo appoints new Board
Chandra Jayaratne, who served as an independent non executive
director of Finlays Colombo PLC from 1995, resigned at the last Board
Meeting held on May 22. Chandra's contribution, as a Member of the Board
and as the Chairman of the committee, has been acknowledged. We are
pleased to appoint Richard Ebell as an independent non executive
director, from June 1.
Richard will also chair the Board's audit committee. Richard is a
respected finance professional who has served the Hayleys Group as an
Executive Director and more recently, Loadstar (Pvt) Limited, as its
Chief Financial Officer. We look forward to Richard's participation to
the deliberations of the Board” - a spokesman for Finlays Colombo PLC
The Board comprises Chairman and Managing Director Kumar Jayasuriya,
Romesh Croos Moraes, Joachim Caspersz, Coralie Pietersz, Naresh
Ratwatte, Jayampathy Bandaranayake, Nirmala (Tanky) Wickremeratne,
Richard Ebell, Ron Mathison and Paul Henson.
Union bridal packages from Softlogic this wedding season
Softlogic's LifeStyles Home Store has put out a ‘Blissful Union
Bridal Packages’, titled - Platinum, Gold and Silver. It comes at a 20
percent discount. The LifeStyles Home store is at Dutugemunu street,
Softlogic Max and Softlogic stores islandwide too have put out a
range of bridal offers on combinations of home appliances.
A Bridal Registry is also in operation at three of its key flagship
Cricket Pathway launched

Country Manager of Coca-Cola Sri Lanka Saumindra Battacharya lights
the oil lamp to inaugurate the event, while Country Manager Coca-Cola
Fareast, Abhishek Jugran, Aravinda De Silva and Public Affairs and
Communications Manager for Coca-Cola system in South West Asia, Rohitha
Amarapala look on.
MBSL seminar
Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka PLC (MBSL) is organising a seminar on
“Easy ways of implementing IFRS and SLFRS for quoted public companies,
banks, insurance companies and the SME sector. It will be held at Taj
Samudra Hotel on June 15 from 4.00 pm to 6.30 pm.
The guest speaker is PricewaterhouseCoopers, Sujeewa Mudalige.
He will speak on “Are we ready to implement IFRS and SLFRS sectors of
importance - Banks, Insurance Companies, Quoted Public Companies and SME
Sector and lessons learnt to-date”. The financial statements are written
reports that quantitatively and qualitatively describe the financial
health of a company.
However, the complexity of implementing the common language – IFRS or
SLFRS is an issue that many of us will face in implementing financial
reporting standards. |