Hosni Mubarak trial: Egypt Judge to deliver verdict
2, June, BBC
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is due to
learn if he has been found guilty of conspiracy in the killing of
protesters during last year's uprising.A court in Cairo will decide
whether Mr Mubarak, as well as his former Interior Minister Habib
al-Adly and four aides, ordered police to shoot demonstrators.All
six deny the charges.
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Two small asteroids buzz Earth in one-two punch
2, June, Fox News
Two small asteroids zipped close by Earth in
back-to-back flybys of the planet Monday (May 28) and Tuesday. While
both space rocks came well within the moon's orbit, they posed no
danger to our planet, NASA scientists say.
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German teen solves 300-year-old mathematical riddle posed by Sir
Isaac Newton
2, June, Fox News
A German 16-year-old has become the first person
to solve a mathematical problem posed by Sir Isaac Newton more than
300 years ago.Shouryya Ray worked out how to calculate exactly the
path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance,
The (London) Sunday Times reported.
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