More wives getting HIV from husbands
2, June, Xinhua
The number of spouses infected with HIV by their partners is
increasing on the Chinese mainland, and most of those infected by
spouses are females, a new report has revealed.
"The report will help devise better intervention methods to curb
rising HIV transmissions within married couples and significantly reduce
new infections," said Liu Kangmai, deputy director of the National
Center for AIDS/STD Preve"ntion and Control (NCAIDS).Released on Friday,
the report by NCAIDS, UN Women and UNAIDS was based on a 2011 study
conducted in six cities and counties in Yunnan, Henan, Sichuan, Guangxi
and Chongqing. It surveyed more than 770 couples where one party was HIV
According to estimates published by the Ministry of Health in 2009,
about 15 percent of the estimated 740,000 HIV/AIDS sufferers on the
Chinese mainland were infected by their spouses.Of the 48,000 newly
detected sufferers in 2011, at least 25 percent of the cases involving
heterosexual sex were transmitted by spouses.In the survey areas, the
proportion of sufferers infected by spouses quadrupled between 2004 and
2011, the report said.The most dramatic increase was in Sichuan
province, where the proportion of sufferers infected by spouses jumped
from 0.78 percent to 10.9 percent during that time.The proportion was
highest in Henan, where 20 percent of infections in 2011 were from