Hurr-Shah's track record exposed
The original track record of Hurr-Shah, the self-appointed economic
expert, has now come to light. Having failed the local Advanced Level
exam, obtaining only two ordinary passes in Botany and Zoology at Royal,
he had crept into the 2,031st ranked University in the You-Es. One
wonders as to how many worse universities exist in the You-Es, apart
from where he obtained his doctorate.
Big Lady ignored
The Retired Big Lady attended the Queen's Diamond Jubilee party at
Westminster House. Barely anybody took any notice of her, not even her
old Cabin-Net buddy Faw-See. After his pow-wow with the Retired Big Lady
at the Norwegian party was exposed last week, Faw-See played safe by
ignoring the Big Lady, who left the party after a few minutes.
Atta-leader gets lover's 'medication'
Chand-Dra-Knee of the Banda fame was worried as her sweetheart
Atta-Leader was hospitalised for surgery. She kept monitoring his
condition. Her partner in crime - Raw-See, the aging beauty, kept
consoling Chand-Dra-Knee. Doctors said Atta-Leader was cured more by his
lover's presence.
Soo-me turns down Lull-Kanth's offer
Lull-Kanth approached Soo-me, the One-sa, to open a dialogue with
Fonny. Nevertheless, the chief Bell Boy responded furiously. "Why should
we meet him, for what? Do you want to hand over this party to that man
who is a capitalist," Soo-me said. Lull-Kanth's response was that he
only wanted to resurrect the Bell Party. |