Central Bank relaxes foreign exchange regulations
During the past few years, Sri Lanka’s macro economic fundamentals
have improved and the domestic financial sector has become stronger and
more resilient.
In this background, foreign exchange regulations have been reviewed
and relaxed gradually to achieve greater efficiency in international
financial transactions and further facilitate economic activity of the
private sector through greater ease of doing business thus enhancing the
overall competitiveness of the economy.
In keeping with this policy framework, new relaxation measures were
implemented from June 12. The highlights of these policy measures are:
To provide greater flexibility for people operating NRFC/RFC
accounts. People are now permitted to open new NRFC/RFC account(s) using
funds transferred from existing NRFC/RFC account(s) maintained with
another authorised dealer, without first obtaining the permission of the
Controller of Exchange. Holders of Foreign Exchange Earners Accounts
(FEEA) are eligible to obtain foreign currency loans.
Earlier foreign currency loans could be obtained only by a limited
category of foreign exchange earners, such as exporters and indirect
Henceforth, banks will be permitted to extend foreign currency loans
to all categories of FEEA holders.
Permission to repatriate capital gains from the sale of residential
properties by non-residents. To encourage investments in immovable
property, non-residents will be permitted to repatriate capital and
capital gains upon sale of immovable property owned and/or developed by
the non-resident, provided the property had originally been acquired
and/or developed by such owner through funds remitted into Sri Lanka
through international banking channels. |