CMSC presents extraordinary event
The Chamber Music Society of Colombo (CMSC), the
arbiters of serious classical music in the country, produced another
extraordinary event titled Music + Film on June 9 at the
Goethe-Hall. With funding from Concerts Norway through the Norwegian
Embassy in Colombo, the Goethe-Institute, Colombo,
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Contemporary Painters
Dinusha Uthpala Upasena :
Work of art with inimitable taste and colour
Dinusha Upasena hails from Panadura, a town
where the intellectual elite of the time, particularly, journalists,
musicians, artistes, poets and skilled craftsmen were born. As a
little boy, Dinusha grew up in a house where there was ardent
interest for painting, sculpture, leather and wood work. He hails
from a family of artistes and craftsmen.
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Cultural Scene
Deconstruction, a cheap weapon?
We concluded the previous week’s column with an
observation of Dennis Dutton: “As a philosopher, I find this awe
pretty silly, but there it is: I hold piano virtuosos in reverential
awe and my pianist friends tell me that’s silly too. Second, it must
be admitted that there are intelligent scholars in other fields who,
whatever their considerable abilities,
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