‘More sandbags, police pickets in south Delhi than Jaffna’
Last week, I sent a Twitter message from the
Jaffna town, which I was visiting after 25 years. “There are more
sandbags and police pickets in south Delhi”, I observed, “than there
are in Jaffna town.” This terse message, based entirely on my
observation, provoked howls of protest. Various individuals
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Solid waste management by LG bodies :
Garbage separation to be popularised
The mountains of garbage in the outskirts of
Colombo city and adjoining areas created headlines in the media
during the past few months as garbage in Colombo became a
controversial topic. Protests over the mountains of garbage raises
many issues with regard to the management of solid waste in the
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Three-member committee to probe fishermen’s recent tragedy
The recent cyclonic catastrophe that devastated
the coastal belt and cost many lives, is a natural disaster that
shocked the country after the tsunami in 2004. With a death toll of
51 fishermen who were drowned in the sea and over 40 fishing boats
capsizing, from the Western to the Southern coastal belt – the
incident raised alarm bells.
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