Batadombalena forest, a soothing balm for mind and body
The mountains beckoned. Anyone who has witnessed
the resplendence of the verdant lush green Sinharaja forest would
know the feeling. Just the thought of laying eyes on that brilliant
shade of green, found outside the confines of concrete jungles;
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Triple Jubilee year of St. Anthony's shrine, Wahacotte
The national shrine of St. Anthony, Wahacotte,
in the Matale, district in the Central Province is 160Km away from
Colombo and 60Km away from Kandy. Wahacotte is a rural Catholic
village and its origins lay with the Portuguese.
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Save Buddhism from Brahma elements
In Sri Lanka the bhikkhus always identify
themselves as bhikkhus or Theras, for example, Narada Thera, Madihe
Pannasiha Thera, Walpola Rahula Thera and Ananda Maitriya Thera, who
were internationally recognised great scholars compared with the
so-called ‘Meditation Masters’ who appear time and again from
Myanmar and Thailand.
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