Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 16 June 2013





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Past experiences help change the future

Everyone has a story and a past. Some stories are worse than others. You cannot change things which are in the past but you can change the part they play in your future. In one way or another, past experiences have helped to shape the people we are today.

Past events have influenced our present situations in many different ways.

The past has brought us to the place where we live in, it has dictated the kind of work we are qualified to do and has been a factor in all aspects, big and small, of how we live our lives today.

Human beings by nature are flawed. So no matter what your parents did or didn’t do; past does not define your future.

To hold on to anger, resentment or negative thoughts about the past only keeps you stuck. You become a victim of your past.

Often we use our past as an excuse to keep ourselves from pursuing what we really want out of life. I know it’s hard to believe but your past or even present circumstances do not define who you are as a person.

You have a choice to make a change at any point in your life. Sometimes the worst things that happen to us often teach us the biggest lessons in life.

Even if you had a storybook past, this would have taught you more of how you would like your future to look like.

If you allow yourself to be in the present and be aware of this very moment you will notice that the past is just another chapter in your journey.

Future is within your control not the past

There are people who have experienced traumatic events in the past. These events have directly influenced their present circumstances but the extent the effect of the past will have on the future is within each person's control. A traumatic, tragic or even a mildly unfortunate beginning in life does not automatically mean that is how the rest of your life must be lived.

A person's history might reveal that he was brought up by alcoholic parents who neglected his education. He will tell you this is the reason he obtained no academic qualifications and now has a job doing low paid manual work.

This is factual information but, if this person goes on to tell you that the events of his past are the reason for this present status, he will never achieve much in life, he is using the past as an excuse. He is depriving himself of the future he could have if he would let go of the past.

From the position of blaming your past for your present condition, it is easy to slip into laziness or even an attitude of cringing self-pity. You will often hear people blaming childhood deprivations for the fact that they have no hope of achieving anything noteworthy in life.

Attitude of helplessness

These people live in an attitude of helplessness and hopelessness when, in fact, they have as much chance as anybody else of achieving success if they could stop thinking about the past and not allow it to fill them with negativity.

Evidence that the past need not dictate the future can be found in the life stories of many great achievers. Think of the wealthy businessmen, leading sportsmen, great scientists, movie icons, super models and entrepreneurs in all walks of life.

Did they all achieve success, fame and wealth because they came from a privileged background? Did all of them have caring parents, a superior education and limitless financial backing? If you study their life stories you will find the answer is no. Many of these successful people started life as ordinary or underprivileged people but they were able to achieve success because they freed themselves from the constraints imposed by the past.

Live the life you see fit for yourself

You need to put your past firmly behind you, a memory with no power to influence your future. Don't make the mistake of using your past as the reason or excuse for your failure to achieve your goals.

The past might have led you to where you are now, but it cannot reach out and hold you back unless you let it.

It’s time to live the life you want and not the one anyone tells you to live whether it’s your parents, friends or the media. You don’t need justification to pursue the type of life you see fit for yourself. Your past only defines your future when you give it power.

You and only you have the power to change your life. You need to be the author of your own book and not allow circumstances, anything or anyone stand in your way of making that book a best seller. It is easy to blame your origins for your failures but it is just as easy to turn your back on your past and create a successful future.

You don't have to change anything apart from your own outlook. By thinking differently, you can steer your future in the direction you want to go. By refusing to think negatively and filling yourself with a positive attitude, you can achieve any goal you set for yourself.

Learn from your past, rejoice in the present and be excited about what the future can hold for you. There is a world of possibility just waiting for you to take it.

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