Met. Dept higherups forecast weather
by Kurulu Kariyakarawana
The regular forecasting of the Colombo Meteorological Department is
being done by Directors and Deputy Directors as the department is facing
a shortage of meteorologists.
The entire operation of the department is being handled by only 17
qualified meteorologists including Directors and Deputy Directors
whereas the required cadre should be 34, Met Department sources said.
The department issues three weather forecasts daily at 5.30am, 12.00
noon and 4.00pm and at least two meteorologists are needed for the
Some meteorologists work round the clock due to the shortage and at
times they are deprived of their meals.
The department has already informed the authorities concerned about
the prevailing situation and plans are under way to recruit 14 graduates
as trainee meteorologists.
Degree holders with a special class in Mathematics and Physics will
be recruited as trainers and they need to complete their MSc in a
foreign country to qualify as a professional Meteorologist. The lengthy
process of public service examinations and selecting criteria had led to
the delay of recruiting new meteorologists for a long time, the sources
said. |