Multi-pronged war on mosquitoes under way
by Carol Aloysius
A massive cleaning up campaign by the Ministry of Defence, Health
Ministry, local Municipal Councils and Public Health Department is now
under way to combat the dengue menace.
With 15,004 suspected cases and 46 deaths reported from the Western
Province to the Epidemiology Unit from the beginning of the year to June
14, making it the district with the highest number of cases (42.21
percent), the joint cleaning up campaign has intensified its cleaning up
campaign in Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara.
The Dengue Prevention Program which was launched by the end of May in
the Colombo Municipal area where 1,316 cases had been reported since
January this year, will continue indefinitely, and all mosquito breeding
grounds have been cleared, CMC sources told the Sunday Observer. |