An ideal city?
Since town planning assists communities,
companies and governments to integrate the environmental, economic
and social aspects of development covering land-use, urban design,
transport and infrastructure planning, heritage and conservation, as
well as environmental monitoring, Karunathilake believes the
development of townships will lead to increased productivity.
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Wonders with sculpture
W. Gunasiri, fortunate to be born in the
Attanagalle area is an artist in drawing, painting and sculpture.
After his tertiary education, he entered the Government Aesthetic
Institution, studied drawing and Painting as a main subject and the
art of sculpture as an additional one. Afterwards, while working at
Nawajeewana Cinama Studio, he also worked as Co-Art Director of the
films, 'Ekamath Eka Rataka', 'Sirakaruwa', and 'Ma Alayakala
Tharuniya' , that were produced in that Art Gallery.
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A bigger paycheck in 2008
But when it comes to accepting an offer,
remember why you decided to switch jobs in the first place. In
addition to finding a job that interests you and takes you out of
your boring routine, you want to receive a paycheck that reflects
your worth.
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