SLASSCOM knowledge sharing session
SLASSCOM (Sri Lanka Association of Software and Services Companies)
will host a knowledge sharing session on 'Internet scale and the role of
non-relational databases' on December 6, at the Dialog Future World
Auditorium at Excel World Entertainment Park. This is part of SLASSCOM
knowledge sharing platform which engages industry experts to share their
experience and knowhow on current topics.
This session will focus on scalability and performance as key
considerations for Internet scale application platforms and the role
non-relational databases will play in dealing with these challenges.
AIS seminar
The Association for International Standards (AIS), an affiliate
member of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, will hold its annual Kaizen
and 5S Seminar under the theme, "Productivity and Efficiency - through
Kaizen and 5S" on December 6 , at the Sri Lanka -Japan Cultural Centre
Colombo 3.