Veera Keppetipola commemorated
Kandy Special Correspondent
Veera Keppetipola always acted according to his conscience.
He returned to the British, their own weapons and joined the rebels
who were at war with them for national independence, said Aggamaha
Panditha Ven.
Aluthgama Dhammananda Thera, Senior Karaka Sangha Sabhika of the
Malwatta Chapter in his key address to the Veera Keppetipola
Commemoration ceremony at Veera Keppetipola Memorial Hall, Kandy. He
said that it had been the disunity among the Sinhala nobility that
caused the downfall of the country. Veera Keppetipola fought for the
lost glory of the motherland.
He faced the death valiantly. He paid homage to the Dammapada, and
offered his shawl to the Sacred Tooth Relic before being beheaded by the
It was a great act of patriotism and gallantry on his part to face
Ven. Udawatta Nanda Thera, former Kandy District Parliamentarian said
that Sri Lankans have no sense of patriotism.
They seek cheap popularity being unmindful of a glorious past. A
musical show would attract the youth more than a religious event.
Even women carrying their brood with them spend hours in such
performances ruining the future generation. This has become the order of
the day.
Had bhikkhus such as Ven. Welivita Saranankara Thera and Anagarika
Dharmapala lived today they would have deplored the tragedy, the country
has faced today.
As Mahasangha we should encourage the people on good behaviour,
exhorting them to eliminate defilements, he said.