Lyceum International - Nugegoda champs in swimming again
SWIMMING: Lyceum International School, Nugegoda with 1,032 points
emerged champions for the second year running at the Inter-International
Schools Swimming Meet held recently at Ananda College Swimming Pool. In
second place was Asian International School - Nugegoda with 930 points
and Lyceum International School - Wattala were third with 820 points.
Lyceum International School, Nugegoda created somewhat of a record by
establishing 13 new meet records at the meet.
Kavindi Sumathirathne of Lyceum International School was adjudged the
champion swimmer in the under 12 age group and Lasith Gamage was picked
as the champion swimmer among the boys.
Lyceum swimmers established the following records: Lasith Gamage -
200 metres Individual Medley boys under 12: 2 mins 54.69 seconds; Senara
Senanayake - 50 Metres Breast Stroke girls under 12 (42.05 seconds);
Kavindi Sumathirathne 50 Metres Back Stroke girls under 12 (38.32
seconds), 4X50 metres Medley Relay Girls Under 12: Kavindi
Sumathirathne, Senara Senanayake, Amrah Izadeen and Chamini Gamage - 2
min 40.06 seconds.
4X50 Metres Medley Relay Boys under 10: (Ramath Rajakaruna, Senu
Diyon, Lavanya Wijegunathilake and Akshi Suppiah in 3 mins 01.10
seconds, 100 metres Brest Stroke Boys under 12: Lasath Gamage 1 min
30.23 seconds, 50 Metres Free Style Boys under 10: Senu Diyon in 33.19
seconds, 4X50 metres Freestyle Relay Girls Under 10 (Akshi Suppaih,
Lavanya Wijegunathilake, Tharushi Fernando, Budara Wickremasinghe (2
mins 50.93 seconds.)
4X50 Metres Freestyle Relay Boys Under 10: (Ramath Rajakaruna, Senu
Diyon, Sachin Kaluarachchi and Janith Wickremanayake - 2 mins 30.34
seconds, 4X50 Metres Freestyle Relay Girls under 12: (Kavindi
Sumathirathne, Senara Senanayake, Chamini Gamage, Shenali Mendis - 2
mins 22.83 seconds; 50 Metres Butterfly Stroke Boys under 14: Livin
Abeysinghe - 32.70 seconds, 50 Metres Freestyle Boys under 14: Eresha
Perera 29.62 seconds.