Required in overdoses
Remember the railway tracks at Auschwitz Birkenau?
You would if you watched Schindler's List. If you have not seen the
movie, well...the same kind of spine chilling eeriness (greatly
toned down of course) could be experienced if you visited the
abandoned railway tracks in Maradana, on a weekday morning.
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Tribute to Surya Bhagavan on Thai Pongal day
The holy day of Thai Pongal or Thaith Thirunaal
or Thaith Thingal, as it is variously called, marks the beginning of
the harvest season. As Sivanandini Duraiswamy reveals in Remembering
Hindu Traditions, Pongal or sweetened milk rice is cooked on this
day with the newly harvested grain in a new clay pot placed on the
newly prepared hearth in the inner courtyard of the house.
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A glimpse of reel life
The commercial to promote Ceylon tea in
Australia is directed by Trevor, an Australian of undeterminable
age. There are three others in his team, Keith who has to be more
than fifty and Angie and Sylvia (both of whom could have been
anywhere between twenty-five and seventy-five) plus the crew - all
Sri Lankans.
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