Unicef appeal for Iraqi children
Iraqi children are getting caught up in a growing humanitarian
tragedy as violence continues in the country, the UN Children's Fund (Unicef)
has warned.
Half of the four million Iraqis who have fled their homes since the
conflict began are children.
And the needs of Iraqi children are outstripping the international
aid that has been supplied, the agency said.
More funds were needed, Unicef said, launching an appeal for almost
$42m (Å“21m) over the next six months.
"Violence is creating widows and orphans on a daily basis, many of
whom are left to struggle for survival," it said.
"Iraq's children, already casualties of a quarter of a century of
conflict and deprivation, are being caught up in a rapidly worsening
humanitarian tragedy."
Unicef wants to use the funds to help provide vaccines, food, clean
water and schools for children in Iraq, it said.
It also wants to help governments in Syria and Jordan to provide
better healthcare for Iraqi children there.
'Tremendous impact'
Aid that reached Iraqi children made a big difference, the agency
"Our experience operating daily inside Iraq confirms to us that aid
does indeed reach children and makes a tremendous impact, even in
extremely insecure areas," said Daniel Toole, Unicef's chief of
emergency operations.
One such example was a recent immunisation programme under which 3.6
million children were vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella,
Unicef said. But it warned that cholera could be a problem over the
summer, citing five early cases among children under 12 in the city of
A lack of clean drinking water and healthcare could increase the
danger of an outbreak, the agency said.
It plans to supply hundreds of thousands of rehydration packs which
can stop the disease becoming fatal.