The last gentleman
The 10th death anniversary:
Harold Pieris, Editor, Observer, 1977 to 1989:
By Ajith Samaranayake
Harold Pieris was as solid as the pillars of Lake House. Although
big-made and bulky, Harry's strength was that of a gentle giant. His
presence was a comforting one, for, although he worked behind the
scenes, the skill he displayed in every field of journalism and
newspaper administration made him as durable as the elegant pillars on
which D.R. Wijewardene constructed his edifice.
When Harry joined Lake House, the old patriarch was gone but
something of his benign avatar must have touched the future Chief
Administrative Officer of the Editorial Department.
For, although he started off as a journalist on the 'Daily News',
Harry was for long years the chief executive of the editorial department
ruling over a vast sub-kingdom of the Lake House empire. He was a close
associate and confidant of Esmond Wickremesinghe, that political wizard
and eminence grise of the Establishment who established Lake House as
the powerful tool of UNP propaganda.
An old Josephian, Harry joined the 'Daily News' as a sub-editor after
graduating from the University of Ceylon. He also served the 'Daily
News' as its News Editor but when I got to know him in the mid-seventies
as a cub reporter, he was the Chief Administrative Officer or CAO
occupying the room next to the Chairman.
In his long-sleeved shirts and baggy trousers, Harry was the
embodiment of propriety. In him was the wisdom of the ages and he was
the repository of ancient knowledge and newspaper folklore.
He was the first Lake House man I met when I joined in May 1975.
After handing me my letter of appointment, he despatched me with a peon
to meet the Editor of the 'Observer' W. Lionel Fernando who in turn
handed me over to his Deputy Editor Philip Fernando (now domiciled in
California) and the News Editor, the late Carlton Seneviratne.
Our paths crossed again when after the General Election of 1977 which
was preceded by a strike at Lake House he was appointed as the Editor of
the 'Observer'. He occupied that chair for 12 years and edited the paper
during the entire J.R. Jayewardene Presidency.
This was no small achievement, for, on the other side of the
editorial corridor, successive Editors of the 'Daily News' were finding
that the coveted editorial chair of the Lake House flagship was becoming
warmer and warmer to sit on.
If Harry chose to write his memoirs that would have been quite
revealing for as the closest Lake House associate of Esmond
Wickremesinghe he was privy to all the manouverings and Byzantine
intrigues which were associated with Lake House in its capacity as a
political king-maker, always an inflated notion but an illusion which
the old Lake House loved to cling to.
One of the most interesting periods in this respect was the
mid-sixties when Esmond Wickremesinghe began a Sinhala newspaper 'Udaya'
printed on the presses of Express Newspapers, the publishers of the 'Virakesari'.
The principal shareholders were Wickremesinghe himself. Dudley
Senanayake and J.R. Jayewardene, the Prime Minister and Minister of
State respectively at the time. Harry was the hand picked Managing
Director of the company which also produced a science newspaper in
Sinhala. 'Udaya' was an intriguing project which brought a refreshing
new whiff to the respectable main-stream Sinhala journalism of the day.
The idea was to launch an anti-establishment newspaper suitably
critical of the UNP Government of the day for it was perceived that the
mainstream press was uniformly respectful towards and supportive of the
Government. It was characteristic of Wickremesinghe that he should have
started such a venture with the two most powerful men in the country at
the time as principal shareholders.
'Udaya' was something of an enfant terrible of the times. Edited by
Philip Fernando, it had some of the most colourful former Lake House
writers such as Tissa Gunatilleke and the first Editor of the 'Aththa'
Richard Wijesiri on its staff. Chintana Jayasena, that loveable imp who
later went on to edit his own paper 'Columa', the Sri Lankan version of
'Private Eye' cut his teeth there.
Although his life was full of rich political experiences, Harry
rarely spoke of them. He was a conservative, very proper man, a devout
Catholic and a staunch Rotarian who organised every year the Inter
school Shakespearean Drama Festival for Rotary. Infact, his last
appearance in print was to pay a memorial tribute to old Lake House
colleague Bonnie Fernando who was for many years one of its judges.
It was difficult to penetrate Harry's imperturbable mask but I feel
that behind it was a man who felt deeply, although he never articulated
his feelings. Certainly, he had a ringside view of political intrigue
and skulduggery but he was never a cynical participant in them.
If at all, he saw it as his duty to play his part. Harry's finest
hour was in 1978 when he figured in the now-famous breach of privilege
case when he and Associate Editor Philip Coorey became the only
journalists to be brought to the Bar of Parliament and tried by
Parliament sitting as a court for the first time.
As the Editor of the Observer in 1978 he along with Associate Editor
Philip Coorey became the only journalists to be tried for a breach of
privilege of Parliament by the entire House sitting as a court.
The manner of his trial was a manifestation of the bizarre
manoeuvring of the parliamentary system by the UNP Government of
President J.R. Jayewardene which contributed no little towards
undermining the people's faith in the democratic political system. The
fact that this trial took place on the eve of Mr. Jayewardene assuming
office as Executive President was no accident. It was a signal to the
entire mass media that the Government intended to be tough with it.
As it was there was hardly any need for such macho exhibitionism. The
press was fulsome in its support of the newly-installed Jayewardene
Government. There were no voices of dissent except for the Aththa edited
with his usual panache by that maestro of Sinhala journalism, the late
B.A. Siriwardene.
Yet the Government felt it necessary to beef up the Parliamentary
Powers and Privileges Act and the fact that its first victim was an
Editor of the government owned Lake House was typical of the cruel
cynicism of that regime.
No piece of theatricals could have been more crudely contrived to
advertise the muscle power of the regime. The day after the new Act was
passed the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.C.S. Hameed got up in
Parliament to complain that the Observer had been guilty of a breach of
The Minister said that the paper had carried a photograph of Jane
Fonda and a companion on board a pleasure cruiser with the caption that
Mr. Hameed was inspecting an industrial complex in South Korea. The
correct photograph had appeared on the same page saying that it was Jane
Mr. Hameed's contention was that since he had to travel a great deal
as the Foreign Minister this mix-up of captions constituted a breach of
his parliamentary privileges presumably because the less knowledgeable
citizens of the world might associate the Minister with Ms. Fonda.
Pieris and Coorey were summoned before the Bar of the House the same
afternoon. Lake House had instructed them to plead guilty although
Pieris was not on duty that day and as Acting Editor Coorey had taken
immediate steps to withdraw the papers once the mistake was detected
(although some had gone into the streets before) and correct the
mistakes in the next edition. An apology had been carried the next day.
What followed was an unprecedented spectacle in the history of Sri
Lanka's Parliament. Member after Member of the UNP parliamentary group
got up to cross-examine Pieris and Coorey who were like the hapless
Roman men thrown to the lions. It was finally left to the Leader of the
Opposition A. Amirthalingam to interject in exasperation. 'Let us put a
stop to this. We are like little children trying on new clothes.'
'What impressed the observers of Parliament that day was the quiet
dignity and absolute unruffled calm with which Harold Pieris faced his
tormentors. Dressed in a white suit he sat calmly at the Bar of the
House answering all questions quietly.
By the dignity of his demeanour and the sobriety that was always the
hallmark of the man he exposed the charade into which he had been
dragged accidentally but with diabolical intent.'
Although the most peaceful of men, his fighting qualities asserted
themselves again in 1989 when he found the climate at Lake House more
and more stifling.
True, Lake House had been administered as a Government-controlled
newspaper from 1973 but by now the heavy hand of crude political
interference and gross intervention was becoming unbearable. That was
when Harry resigned with dignity.
Harold Pieris perhaps was the last gentleman in journalism. But,
being a gentleman carries its own perils and pitfalls. He was sometimes
over cautious, too much of a conservative. But he had his heart in the
correct place.
He did not think it worthwhile to hit his head against a brick wall
but he always lived by his own lights. Highly duty-conscious his death
brings to an irrevocable end that rings down the curtain on the old
Wijewardene: Wickremesinghe Lake House with all its journalistic virtues
and political blemishes.
This is a reproduction of an article which appeared in the Sunday
Observer on June 1 ,1997.