Short story:
Roses and Balloons
Keep calm. Steady. Steady yourself man! It's ok, you've done this
before. Just a couple of hours and then... you are free! But ... steady
your nerves for now. Breathe in and let it out slowly.
I kept on telling this to myself. My hands had become sweaty. I wiped
it on my jeans and looked around. Noisy and crowded. Too loud for an
examination hall, I thought. Students flitting in and out of doors
searching for their places or inquiring after friends.
Some of them looked hassled and nervous, just like me, I thought.
Some looked confident, too confident,
some looked scared. Well, I thought to myself, for god's sake! It's just
an exam! But then, exams do crack one's normal self...
I was shaking my head looking around when my eyes caught hold of her.
She was sitting in the next row but four desks ahead. She was looking at
someone or something behind me. Her eyes looked confused but then she
shook her head a little and was about to turn in front when she caught
me staring at her. She gave me a small cute smile as if she thought I
was cracking up and to encourage me, and turned in front.
Her look clearly said it's ok, you'll do well. At that moment the
invigilator rang her bell for silence.
Pin drop silence. The invigilator gave the usual pre-exam lecture
about the rules and regulations of the Edexcel examinations board. And
then at four, the papers were handed over. I forgot all about that girl
and concentrated on my paper. Relief spread over me and I was glad. As I
came out of the examinations hall I saw her again. She was saying bye to
her friends and then got into a white car and went off.
She frequently visited me in my dreams. I couldn't stop thinking of
her. I saw her many times during the exams and she always gave me that
cute smile of hers. I got hold of her mobile number and smsed her. At
the beginning I didn't tell her who I was.
After a month of smsing I told her who I was. I guess she didn't mind
my discretion because she continued to test me. But now that exams were
finished, I rarely got to see her.
She disturbed me. I could forever see her resplendent face in front
of me. Whenever I thought of her, butterflies flew in my stomach.
Thoughts of her created warmth in me that I've never felt before. She
made my heart beat faster. I could never sleep without day's sms from
her. I knew it was time for me to tell her how I felt about her.
I loved her from deep within me. This was my first love and I was
very excited about it. We planned on a rendezvous and she agreed to meet
up at the British Council. Her parents were not in the least indulgent
so she gave the excuse that she had some research to do.
I was very nervous because I've never done this thing before. I knew
it was deplorable of me to betray my parent's trust, but she disturbed
me and I longed to see her.
I dressed in black, my favourite colour, and went to BC. She was
there, sitting at one of the long, finely polished tables. She was
dressed coincidently in a long sleeved black shalwar, head covered in a
black scarf. She looked exquisitely beautiful.
As I entered the library, some of my friends were there to my horror.
They called out to me but I just ignored them and walked straight up to
her, pulled out a chair opposite her and sat down. I looked at her and
told, "Now let's talk". I don't know how I had the guts to do it. Amidst
all her friends and my friends, I just don't know how I did it. But
she... never looked up at me.
She just sat there right in front of me, as if I didn't exist. Her
head was bowed down with a small smile on her lips. And then I realised
that she felt shy! She smsed me telling that her friends were
unexpectedly there. She suggested we go somewhere else. I got up and
went near the entrance and she followed me. Even then she was looking
down but I noticed a blush on her cheeks.
I was staring at her and felt my heart beating faster than ever.
After a few moments elapsed, she looked up at me with big beautiful
eyes. I was caught in her steady gaze and the library just spun away
from me.
I don't know for how long we stood looking at each other. Then her
mobile started ringing. It was her dad informing he's on his way to pick
her. I was still in a daze that I found myself tongue-tied. There was
this lump in my throat and all I could do was just smile at her. Finally
I managed to speak for a few minutes and then she had to go.
We had many frequent visits like this at the BC. It was quite easy.
All we had to do was say we had extra work to do and get our selves
excused. We had a nice relationship. We enjoyed each others company and
managed to pass off time. But she never told me that she loved me. The
actual words never came out of her mouth. I was disappointed true, but I
just shrugged it off.
Out With It
The advanced level examinations were coming up. It was almost a year
since I first laid eyes on her. But till now she never told me that she
loved me. So one day I came out with it. Asked her directly whether she
loved me. She looked at me thoughtfully for quite some time and said a
bit hesitatingly that if I get above 85 for all my units, she would be
mine forever.
Whoopee! I was happy. She actually told me that she would be mine!
Forever! I was in the highest level of ecstasy. I thought getting 85
would be a piece of cake, of course with a lot of hard work. So I worked
really hard on my studies. I wanted her that bad.
But sometimes, when you put too much effort to get something you
realise that the results are not as satisfactory as it might have been,
if you hadn't put very much effort. But this I realised only later.
A Warm Touch
I had to do my physics practical exam at the University. It so
happened that I was the only student from my school who was doing it on
that day. I felt nervous but it was a situation I couldn't help being
in. I went to my place and looked around. The students were mostly
huddled together with their friends.
Someone at the entrance caught my eye. She was there, she saw me, and
she saw her friends. They called her over but she just ignored them and
walked straight over to me.
She stood next to me and I was so thankful. Her friends looked upset
but didn't make a big deal out of it. She asked me whether I had brought
all the required stationary. I had forgotten to bring a long ruler. But
she had not. To my surprise, she took an extra ruler and handed it over
to me. She said that she had brought everything extra just in case I had
forgotten. I was taken by her concern and it touched me.
It started raining as the exam finished. We waited together outside
the building in a sheltered spot. Her car would arrive at any moment but
I had a bus to catch. I wanted to stay longer and talk to her but it was
getting late. Mom would make a fuss.
So I told bye and stepped out onto the rainy twilight. Halfway
through I realised that she was upset with my behaviour. Just to make
sure I retraced my steps. As she saw me coming she quickly pulled me
next to her and looked at me anxiously.
She started apologising for making me come back. She was now upset at
the state of me. I was wet; fully soaked to my skin. I was feeling very
cold too. But when her fingers clasped around my arm, something warm and
soothing shot through my blood, I felt warm all of a sudden and I liked
it. Our eyes met for quite some time and then I sneezed. I also had a
bus to catch.
Feeling the magical warmth inside me I caught the bus home. The
result was that the next day I had a terrible cold. She called me to see
if I was okay and I was surprised to hear her voice. It was as if she
had a cold too. She was sneezing badly. Something clicked inside my
head. I asked whether she got wet. Her hesitating reply came. Seems like
she had purposely got herself wet...
All the way to Russia
She would have been mine forever if only I had got 85 for my units.
My results were good but not good enough for her. Even her results were
not what she wanted. I was troubled by this because I knew it was
because of me her results were not that good.
I told her I was sorry but she said it wasn't my fault. It was time
for us to decide about our future. She wanted to do medicine and I
wanted to do software engineering. Since we did London A/Ls our choice
of universities in Sri Lanka was limited.
After much consideration we decided to go to Russia to continue with
our higher studies. Most of the Sri Lankan students were going abroad so
my parents were very supportive with my decision.
She flew to Russia much earlier than I expected. Her parents wanted
her to be settled and familiar with the environment before the semester
began. But I wasn't lucky enough. I was accepted at the university but
my visa was being delayed. Day by day my flight was being postponed to
some months.
I accepted it but my mind was disturbed. What if something comes up
in the last moment and prevents me from going there? She told me if I
get into a university, she would do anything for me-even wash my
clothes! Of course I refused it.
It was November 14th. Nineteen years ago a beautiful baby girl was
born and was destined that I should fall in love with her. It was her
birthday! I wanted to be the first to wish her but unfortunately her
room-mate had wished her first. I wanted to get her something special
but how could I possibly do it staying here when she is in Russia?
It clicked! Why, of course the internet. With the help of a cousin we
logged onto a website of a flower shop in Moscow that was quite close to
the university. We ordered for three red roses and six pink and white
balloons to be delivered to her. Placing the order, I was really happy.
I could just picture the scene when she gets the roses and the balloons.
The surprise on her charming face, her lovely eyes going wide open
and the smile her sweet lips would display when she reads the name on
the card. I was almost whooping with joy!
The roses and the balloons didn't come cheap. I had to spend a couple
of thousand rupees out of my credit card. But then it was for her right?
It was for the girl I loved. I knew she deserved it. She made me happy
and her memories always brought a smile to my lips that lingered for
quite some time. Her half smile always created butterflies in my
stomach. Her big beautiful eyes had that soft look when her gaze fell on
me. I was missing her like crazy!
Life at home was not smooth. Mom and dad were always having something
to shout about. Not nice. I was looking forward to getting away.
She made me realise that life is after all beautiful. There are downs
but also ups in life. My life sure was brightened by her. After all love
created roses and balloons in my life.
The roses and balloons which made her realise how special she was to
me. Her reply came in just three words... I love you. Maybe it took her
quite some time, for her to go as far as Russia. But she did realise it
and that's what counts the most. I sent her back a reply which I've
always been sending.. I love you... too!
But something which someone once casually mentioned came to my mind.
Balloons shrink and petals wilt and fall off... but I shrugged it
off. What else can matter now? I'm in love!!!
Shamlina Mahroof,
Soysapura, Moratuwa. |