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Ra-Blue orders closure of Trumpet
Ra-Blue has ordered the Trumpet to be closed down. He has been
perturbed by the big publicity his Big-Secretary Atta-Leader gets
through the newspaper. Ra-Blue has got scared that Atta-Leader's image
building campaign could become a threat to his leadership.
Confidants reject Big Lady
The Retired Big Lady has not given up her greed for power altogether.
She is now making another desperate move to make a comeback with a new
political party, for which she is used to. But many of her former
confidants, who have been approached, have refused to join her.
Ed Gune overlooked
Though the Elephant Party pleaded with their 'reformists' to make a
comeback, the treatment meted out to Ed Gune of Minuwangoda, who made a
'U' turn', is a clear indication on how the leader takes his revenge. Ed
Gune's name was not amongst the 86 new organisers' list.
Gem Ferdi -V-Mal-V alliance
Gem Ferdi is up to his dirty tricks again. He has given cooked info
to V-Mal-V, who alleged that 10% commission is going to a ruling type
when Japan sells our Telecom shares to Malaysia. Both of them have now
become a laughing stock.
Sun-Arachchi conspires
Sacked Sun-Arachchi has told Mus-Ta-Far and the deputy type
Ad-minister who educates that they should withdraw from the ruling types
as the Government is not treating the minorities. But the two Em Pees
have told Sun-Arachchi at the Lobby that MR is looking after all
communities well.