Unusual heat, says Met Dept.
by Chanuka Mannapperuma
The Meteorology Department said the heat experienced at present was
somewhat unusual compared to the previous years. A spokesman for the
Meterological Department said the lack of wind and the rain were the
main reasons for the heat.
The highest temperature, 32 degrees Celsius was recorded last week in
Colombo. The south west monsoon has also delayed this year,and that is
another reason for the hot weather spells. They were now expecting winds
specially from the ocean.
Meanwhile, a Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) spokesman said,
electricity consumption has increased in offices especially in Colombo.
However, at present we can manage because the country is not facing a
severe drought situation.
If this increased consumption continues we will have to introduce a
power cut for two hours at least because the water level has reduced a
bit countrywise, he said.