Govt. all out to curb inflation despite setbacks - Bandula
Trade, Marketing Development, Co-operatives and Consumer Services
Minister Bandula Gunawardana in his interview with our staffer Shanika
Sriyananda, maintained that inflation which was 20 percent in January,
still remains at that figure to-date. Here are excerpts of the
Q: According to some analysts the country is now facing an economic
collapse as the tourism and foreign investments have reported a setback.
What is your opinion ?
A: Whether we like to accept it or not there is a conflict in the
country. We have a fight against terrorists and now the government is
engaged in eliminating terrorism. The LTTE targets important economic
sectors and attack them to destroy these sectors. The air attack on
Katunayake is one such example.
The government has to safeguard the country and the people. Because
of this, there are several setbacks in certain economic sectors like
But as a responsible
government we need to maintain a sustainable development while engaging
in defeating terrorism to create an environment for all the communities
- Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims - to live in harmony. The government has
to spend a tidy sum on security and therefore the government defence
expenditure has gone up.
The number of avenues to increase government revenue has dropped and
this has resulted in a drop in investments and job opportunities. When a
country is in a conflict, no one can expect a sound economic situation
in the country.
Q. The ordinary people suffer due to sky rocketing cost of living.
What are the steps taken by the government to balance this situation ?
A: One reason is that the government had given large number of jobs
to graduates and non graduates in the government sector. Huge salary
increments have also been given to the employees in the government
Other reasons are the fertilizer subsidiary and the huge expenditure
on war. The expenditure is high but at the same time there is no
increase in revenue. Therefore due to a budget deficit the inflation
rate has gone up.
Another reason is that international trade is not at a satisfactory
level. On the other hand, out of a total in the import bill, a mere 9.3
percent is spent on food items like infant milk powder, rice, wheat and
dry fish.
But we have to spend over 20 percent on oil as the price of a barrel
has shot to US $ 70. In such a situation though the import cost is up,
the government revenue will not be increased.
The total state expenditure is higher than the total foreign exchange
earnings and the rupee has devalued. Due to these reasons the Cost of
Living (CoL) is high.
The prices of diesel, petrol, gas and kerosene oil has gone up
drastically and this has resulted in a huge price hike, this causing an
To facilitate the consumers the government has identified 10 new
varieties of essential items. We use this as a safety net to maintain a
balance between the monthly income and the expenditure of the ordinary
Under this safety net we have identified a 'food basket' with 14
essential food items including rice, dhal, potatoes, red and big onions,
canned fish, wheat flour, chicken, sprats, gram and green gram. The
prices of some of these essential food items have come down in recent
months while the prices of other items have gone up. This way the
consumers can balance their expenditure, under this novel scheme.
For example: The price of a kilo of a sugar was Rs. 64 in March and
now it has been reduced to Rs. 50. There is a saving of Rs. 14 from each
kilo of sugar and if a family needs 10 kilos of sugar monthly, by this
way they can save Rs. 140 monthly. And when the price of a gas cylinder
is up by Rs. 34 the consumer can balance the extra price by buying the
gas from the money saved.
When Some items like gas, water bills, milk powder, and bus fares
increase, there are price reductions in other food items. The consumers
today should be smarter to maintain his family budget frugally. Then,
there is no big difference in their monthly expenditure and this is
called the 'Strategy on price stabilization'.
We did not highlight this strategy much though it is in operation
from last March but it is visible in the index. The Index is 20.7
percent in January 2007, 19.2 in February, CoL 19.5 in March and 16.3 in
Q: So you do not agree that the CoL is going up ?
No. The Col is 16.3 today. When the CoL index is at 16.3 percent the
media reports that the CoL index is 20.7 percent. They do not report
with a sense of responsibility. The interested parties, especially
politically motivated people, are planning to overthrow the government
and to take people on to roads. And they do not want to talk about the
This is the whole problem. People who are unaware of the news ask
where they can buy these food items at reduced prices.
They can easily get all these food items from Sathosa outlets, in
over 55 places. There are economic centres, budget shops and over 11,000
co-operative shops, where people can get this benefit.
I can not say that all these places offer food items at reduced
prices but in majority of these places, the prices are the same. Some
private traders also sell these food items at the same price in a very
competitive manner. They have got a big turn over.
We have selected traders who sell these items at low prices and earn
good profits. Over 100 selected traders will be presented with awards
for their achievements by the CAA soon.
The very common complaint is that the prices are escalating but the
government does not intervene to bring the prices down. After taking
steps to facilitate the consumers still we get the blame.
When the gas prices were up by Rs. 85. We stopped it. When the Prima
Company increased the price, we filed a case against them. We raided the
traders who did not pass on the benefit to the consumers. It's pity some
media are helping the racketeers and do not divulge the truth.
The need of the hour is we should get together and help the consumers
by educating them on these benefits so that they will not fall prey to
unscrupulous traders.
Q: You claimed that there is no system to detect the traders who sell
essential food items higher than the fixed prices. What action which
will be taken to bring them to book ?
A: We are going to amend the Consumer Protection Act. Because of some
lapses in the Act, the benefits go to the multi-national companies. When
the prices of essential items are increased without informing the
authorities, we can only file a case against them. The government does
not have any authority to stop the price hike under this Act.
Consumer societies will be established. These societies would be run
by the people who do not belong to any political party. Consumers can
lodge their complaints to these societies and this a system that will
look into complaints and take action against the errant traders.
The co-operative shops will also be strengthened to be more active to
maintain the fixed price system to pass on the benefit to the consumers.
Q: The Shell Gas Lanka Ltd. seem to increase the price of gas without
the approval of the Consumer Protection Authority. What action have you
taken against them for breaching their agreement ?
A: The gas price was increased without our approval. Now we are
discussing with the gas company to implement a price formula. Under this
formula with price fluctuations in the world market, These should be in
the local market.
The company has requested for an increase in price by Rs. 160 but was
given permission to increase only by Rs. 34. The government is also
looking into the possibilities to allow the other interested companies
to enter the local gas market. When there is good competition the
consumers will derive the benefits.
But other than that, the government can not do much regarding gas as
we are not a gas producing country. There is no system to sell gas at a
lower price while the international prices are going up.
No government can give a pledge that they can bring down the price of
gas, petrol, diesel, dhal and milk powder. The party in power can not do
anything as the prices are changing due to the price fluctuations in the
world market.
Q: If there is a shortage of gas can the CAA intervene to prevent
such a situation ?
A: Yes, we can intervene under the CAA Act. This give us the
authority to take action against those who hide their stocks creating an
artificial shortage and then selling the gas at a higher price. We can
take legal action against such traders.
Q: How do you expect to control the artificial gas shortages ?
A: No. There is no such artificial shortage of gas in the country but
some officials in the gas company and their supporters tried to show
that there was a shortage of gas. The gas price hike was scheduled on
May 26 and they tried to bring this date forward. They used some people
to create a shortage.
Q: What is the progress of the Sub- Committee on Col ?
A: The Sub committee meets monthly and discuss on prices of essential
food items. The stand of the Opposition is that these prices should be
decided on supply and demand but on the instructions of President
Mahinda Rajapaksa a sub committee on CoL has been appointed to control
the prices of essential food items. The prices will be decided
collectively by the Ministries of Trade, Agriculture and Finance.
Q: At the recent CoL Sub Committee Meeting the Prime Minister has
ordered to maintain a stable price of all essential items even after the
festive season. Why did you fail ?
A: No, we did not fail. We maintain the price reduction upto date
from the festive season and this is a monthly program to control the
prices of essential food items. People say that they can not buy things
for the reduced prices at their shops in their villages. But the fault
is with the consumers.
We need to have logical consumers these days. Consumers should know
their rights including, how to get protection from errant traders, right
to access to information and right to choose what to buy and not to buy.
Mainly our consumers should be aware of their own rights.
They also should be aware of the places that they can get items at
reasonable prices. The CAA plans to expand the consumer education to
pass the reliable information to the consumers.
Q: As an economist what do you think is the root cause of this sudden
inflation ?
A: This is not sudden inflation. In January inflation was 20 percent
and still it is the same. Our aim is to hold this rate at 20. If this
stagnates at 20 it means that our programs are successful. Therefore
there is no inflation, which is a creation of some parties.