How I remember Vivian Louis Blaze
by Austin Daniel
Rembering a star - Reading through Monte Holsingers absolutely
brilliant tribute to the late Vivian Louis Blaze, which had more
substance than in Larry Schokman's obituary for Ralston Tissera, I was
catapulted into the distant past. My mind raced back to my home town,
Badulla where my father took me every Saturday to watch the Merrie-Men
of Uva. Play their Clifford Cup rugby matches on the Esplanade.
What an evocative setting that was, with the Namunukula mountain
range and Trockhill in the foreground for 30 rugby players to display
scintillating fanfare.
I think the year was 1957. I was just 11 years old when Uva hosted
the Chand FC. Which included Nick Dewing. Les Cotton, St. John Davies
among others. Vivian played on the flank for Uva which had names like
A.D. Heath, Michael Clarke, John Pettigrew, Fred Aldons, B.G. Richards
and the well respected David Scobie.
Vivian cut a dashing figure in his black and white hooped jersey with
the Uva Goose emblazoned on it. Tall, dark and handsome, the Empire
Games hurdler of 1950 in Auckland collected a pass and was off. He ran
almost the length of the field spreadeagling the defence and touched
down between the uprights.
The local crowd rose to its feet while the applause took a long time
to wind down. So it was not only at Snooker, Bridge or Poker and Tennis
that Vivian excelled in! Four years later he was picked to play for
Up-Country against Low-Country at the Colombo Racecourse. He played in
the back row alongside the Great Barry Cameron.
The other Ceylonese in the team were Uva's full back Ken Ariyarajah,
skipper Malcolm Wright from Dimbula. Vivian's planting assignments had
taken him to the Kandy district and two other Kandy Sports Club names.
The prop forward Maurice Perera and D.L.Y. Paktsun played in the
Capper Cup encounter which Low-Country won by nine points to three.
I also remember Vivian and his family attend Sunday service at St.
Mark's Church which was within a stones throw away from St. Mary's
Catholic Church which I went to.
He was manager of Madulsima Estate. Believe also that Vivian Louis
Blaze who hailed from a distinguished Burgher family had an uncle. The
well known 'Procter Blaze' practising in Badulla.
That unique try is indelibly engraved in my mind, taking place 56
years ago. May the turf 'Down under' lie gently over you Vivian! |