Mentawai Islands one of the best boat surfing destinations
By John S. Callahan
Average Wave Height: 6 TO 10 feet The Mentawai Islands, off the coast
of West Sumatra, are one of the best boat-charter surfing destinations
in the world. With an abundance of surf spots and calm conditions, the
islands offer very consistent swell from the southern hemisphere during
the peak April to October season.
Being smack on the equator, the islands are extremely lush and
tropical, and aside from occasional Christian missionaries and loggers
over the past century, they are largely pristine.
There are no towns of significant size, and most of the indigenous
Mentawai people make their home in the forest, fishing and hunting in
the manner of their ancestors. Mentawai Christians live on the coast,
fishing, growing cloves and occasionally trading with mainland Sumatra.
All of the Mentawai people speak a unique dialect, a proto-Malay
language with the more westernized Christians of the coast also speaking
the national language of Bahasa Indonesia and a smattering of
Aussie-accented English.
The roster of world-class spots includes the legendary waves Lance?s
Left and Macaronis, one of the most celebrated performance waves in the
world. There are a slew of slightly less perfect breaks like Rags,
Thunders and Scarecrows, all breaking over sharp coral reefs with full
Indian Ocean groundswell punch. The resulting hollow, powerful waves
spell trouble for beginners. This area is for advanced surfers only.
You are a long way from serious medical attention out there, and
coral cuts are a regular occurrence. The average trip length is 10 to 14
days, with an overnight transit from Padang, on Sumatra, to the closest
breaks. Go to sleep to the heavy throb and vibration of the diesel
motor, and wake up when the anchor chain rattles into the water at the
first stop.
Your guide will know the tricks of the trade, be able to make the
call and put your boat at the right spot depending on the locally
variable winds and subtle effects of swell direction. Then, surf
yourself silly for the next 10 days before making the overnight run back
to Padang.
A good boat with a surf guide, experienced Indonesian captain, cook
and crew, and including an SSB radio, medical kit, and other safety
equipment will run from US $80 to $120 per day all inclusive. Cheaper
boats are available, but you get what you pay for and the poor quality
of food and drink and total lack of any safety equipment could spell
Drawbacks to the Mentawai include increasing crowds, more than 30
boats presently offer trips to this playground, and it isn?t cheap
(unless you want to "feral" it on a slow, unsafe boat and eat nothing
but white rice for the whole trip). Deadly cerebral malaria is present
in this area, and should be taken very seriously. The good news is,
being on a boat cuts your exposure to mosquitoes by 90 percent as
compared to camping in the forest.
As the waves in the Mentawai?s generally range from perfect to more
perfect, in the 4 to 8 foot range, and glassy (that would be overhead to
double overhead), with little if any local winds to make chop on the
face, a three board quiver from a 6.0 to a 7.4 will handle almost any
spot in the Mentawais. At least two strong leg ropes, several quick
drying bathing suits, a wide brimmed sunhat and a couple of rash guards
for sunburn are all you need.
Its no fashion parade out there: scruffy beards, sunburnt, peeling
skin and festering coral cuts are the adornments of choice. |