Whither UNP?
Mediocrity seems to be the hall mark of our
by H.L.D.Mahindapala
Take the political stage, for instance. Without
being nostalgic or sentimental it can be asserted that both sides of
the divide were dominated by giants. Towering political figures from
the Left and the Right occupied the centre stage. Their political
pyrotechnics were dazzling, even mesmerising. What happened to their
biological and political progeny? The outstanding examples are Ranil
Wickremesinghe and Chandrika Kumaratunga. They are children of the
founding fathers of the two great political traditions - the UNP and
the SLFP.
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State-owned firm provides security cover for vital centres
The security firm, a brainchild of President
Mahinda Rajapaksa and was established to streamline the security of
vital government installations as security personnel attached to
private security firms were not appropriately trained and were
totally lacking surveillance capabilities to react an emergency
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